Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Truth About Benzoyl Peroxide and How it Treats Adult Acne!

Here is the real truth about Benzoyl peroxide and how it can help you treat your adult acne breakouts!!

In most topical adult acne treatments, Benzoyl peroxide is usually present as one of its ingredient. It is very effective in treating mild cases of non inflammatory adult acne. It can be combined with other topical acne medications.

How Does Benzoyl Peroxide Work?

The way Benzoyl peroxide combats acne is by destroying P.acnes, which is the bacterium that causes adult acne. It doubles as both an oxidizing agent and an antiseptic, by reducing the amount of block hair pores or comedones on the skin. It usually takes 2-3 weeks before you notice any improvement on your skin when using it.

NOTE : Although Benzoyl peroxide destroys existing P. acnes (acne causing bacteria), it does not increase your body's resistance to bacteria. Even when the intensity of your adult acne pimples begins to reduce, you should keep treating areas that are acne prone. This is because although it kills the adult acne causing bacteria, it does not affect the rate at which sebum is produced by the sebaceous glands or the rate at which your skin sheds dead skin cells. When you stop using it, the acne causing bacteria and your acne pimples would return.

Where Do You Get Benzoyl Peroxide?

It is found as an ingredient in most topical acne scar treatments. It could be in form of gels, creams, lotions and cleansers in non-prescription medications. It is usually in concentrations of 2.5%, 5% and 10%. Prescription medications such as Duac™™, BenzaClin®© and Benzamycin®© contain Benzoyl peroxide. Before you go using just any product that contains Benzoyl peroxide, you must read the label carefully and follow the directions for proper use.

What Are The Side Effects of Benzoyl Peroxide?

Dryness : This is the most common side effects of using Benzoyl peroxide. The dryness is usually mild; your skin might look visibly scaly. All you need to do is apply a light oil-free moisturizer.

Note: If you experience dryness, dermatitis or irritation and you are using either a 10% or 5% concentration of Benzoyl peroxide solution, you may need to give your skin time to heal and then try a lower strength.

Irritation: if you experience mild irritation, then you might have to decrease the frequency of use. If your irritation is severe or persists even when you apply infrequently, then stop use.

Dermatitis :If you experience red, dry, itchy skin when using Benzoyl peroxide, it could be due to irritation or allergy. You have to discontinue use immediately and treat with a mild topical steroid (such as hydrocortisone cream), which is available in most pharmacies.

Allergy : 1-2% of the population experiences a mild allergic reaction when using Benzoyl peroxide. This is usually shown as redness and itching.

One last thing to note about Benzoyl peroxide is that it can bleach clothes and linens. So make sure your skin is completely dry before touching any cloth.

Asides using a topical acne treatment, the best way to combat adult acne are from the inside and the outside. When you use a supplement that balances your hormones and prevents your sebaceous glands from producing too much sebum in combination with a topical acne treatment that fights acne causing bacteria, you can be sure to get a clearer and a smoother skin. Products like the AcneZine system and the Clearpores system consist of this double action method of fighting acne.

Using any of these two acne treatment products to combat your adult acne is sure to give you a better looking skin texture!

AcneZine System

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